Syahrini said.. "ALhamdulillah ya.. sesuatu" Alright, what kind of somethingness that make something is 'something'???? what makes a thing becomes something? what makes something becomes 'sesuatu'? I sang a song, that's all.. It was not a 'something', it wasn't 'sesuatu'.. I cried because I lost my wallet, and I was more careful saving my wallet.. it was 'sesuatu'.. it was 'something'.. Could it be like that??? it is different between something.. and 'something'.. isn't it?? but, in our life, everythings is 'something', isn't it? every moment is meaningfull.. a little thing is 'something' something is 'something' 'something' is important thing.. creates meaning in our life... gives colour to our life.. =) monalisa 29th september 2011 8:03 pm
entah apa dan untuk apa. . hanya ingin menulis!